March 2016 – E-Cigarettes Found to Have 10 times More Cancer Causing Ingredients than Regular Cigarettes

According to research conducted by Japanese scientists, e-cigarettes contain 10 times the level of cancer-causing carcinogens than regular cigarettes. Until recently, e-cigarettes were recommended as the answer to smoking without the complication of so many dangers.

These electronic nicotine products became hugely popular because people believed that they were receiving a hit of nicotine without the need to worry about any health damage that’s caused by a normal cigarette, loaded with chemicals.

But when the Japanese Ministry of Health commissioned a research, they found formaldehyde and acetaldehyde carcinogens in the liquid produced by many e-cigarette products, stated a health ministry official.

The group also found that e-cigarettes can fuel potentially life-threatening drug-resistant pathogens. This discovery comes from a lab study that tested the vapor from e-cigarettes on live methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and human cells.

According to the official, the formaldehyde carcinogen is much more present in the e-cigarette liquids than in the chemicals used in regular cigarettes.

The researcher Naoki Kunugita said: “In one brand of e-cigarette the team found more than 10 times the level of carcinogens contained in one regular cigarette. Especially when the wire (which vaporizes the liquid) gets overheated, higher amounts of those harmful substances seemed to be produced.”

Kunugita also added that the levels of the formaldehyde carcinogen varied in the final results.

“You call them e-cigarettes, but they are products totally different from regular tobacco. The government is now studying the possible risks associated with them, with view to looking at how they should be regulated,” the Japanese health ministry official said.

Earlier in 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) advised governments to ban the sale of e-cigarettes to underage people because they posed a serious threat to them.

The UN health agency said that although there’s a lack of evidence regarding the damage caused by e-cigarettes, there was still enough evidence “to caution children and adolescents, pregnant women, and women of reproductive age” about their use. They also added that e-cigs should be outlawed from indoor public spaces.

The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated: “More than a quarter of a million youth who had never smoked a cigarette used electronic cigarettes in 2013, according to a CDC study published in the journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research. This number reflects a three-fold increase, from about 79,000 in 2011, to more than 263,000 in 2013.”

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