Quit Smoking News Articles

Welcome to our collection of articles regarding quit smoking, addiction and laser therapy. Please note that all articles and their opinions are the views of their relative author and are not representative of AcuQuit and/or its practitioners in any way.

October 2020 – E-cig users have higher chance of taking up smoking

A new report suggests vapers are three times more likely to pick up conventional smoking, compared to those who don’t use e-cigarettes.

Read the full article here.

April 2018 – NSW joins other Australian states, bans vaping in public spaces

The NSW government announced e-cigarette smokers will face fines of up to $550 if caught smoking in public spaces or public transport.

Read the full article here.

September 2016 – Vaping as bad for your heart as smoking cigarettes, study finds

Vaping could be as bad for the heart as smoking cigarettes, a new study suggests.

Read the full article here.

June 2016 – The health dangers of e-cigarettes maybe worse than we think

E-CIGARETTES could be “no better” than smoking regular cigarettes and may even cause cancer, scientists warn.

Read the full article here.

June 2016 – Champix, Anti-Smoking Drug, Linked To Malcolm Gallant’s Psychotic Episode.

There’s strong evidence that a popular smoking cessation drug led to a Canadian soldier’s psychotic episode, a Manitoba judge has concluded.

Read the full article here.

May 2016 – Cigarette bans and laws to apply to vaping

Vaping will be outlawed in Victoria’s smoke-free spaces and e-cigarette advertising banned in shops, under laws to be introduced with days.

Read the full article here.

May 2016 – Cigarette prices to rise after tobacco tax hike in Federal Budget 2016

THE cost of a packet of cigarettes could rise to $40 after the Federal Government confirmed a hike in the tobacco excise as part of the 2016 Budget.

Read the full article here.

March 2016 – E-Cigarettes Found to Have 10 times More Cancer Causing Ingredients than Regular Cigarettes

According to research conducted by Japanese scientists, e-cigarettes contain 10 times the level of cancer-causing carcinogens than regular cigarettes. Until recently, e-cigarettes were recommended as the answer to smoking without the complication of so many dangers.

Read the full article here.

July 2015 – Anti-smoking drug Champix link to suicides in Australia being examined by Queensland coroner

Ms Morwood-Oldham says she never suspected the prescription-only drug had anything to do with her son’s death until she began researching Champix after he died. It was then that she discovered it had been linked to a number of suicides in the US. She also discovered the company that makes the drug, Pfizer, had recently settled thousands of lawsuits over claims Chantix, the name of drug in the US, caused suicide and other injuries.

Read the full article here.

June 2014 – Smoking cessation drug Champix ‘likely induced’ man’s violent episode

Extract: I think what is really important for people to know is that all medication has potential for side effects and that people who have a history of mental health issues or a family history should be discussing the benefits vs risk whenever considering a new medication,” said Nicole Chammartin, Executive Director of the Canadian Mental Health Association – Winnipeg Region. “It is important for all of us to be informed consumers.

Read the full article here.

2011 – Champix quit-smoking drug raises chance of heart attack and stroke

A POPULAR quit-smoking drug, Champix, may increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes, a major study has found. Thousands of Australians use Champix to help them stop smoking, but British and US scientists say the drug is associated with an increased risk of “serious adverse cardiovascular events”.

Read the full article here.

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